There are two types of interconnection that allows Internet networks (or Autonomous Systems) to connect directly and indirectly over the Internet, referred to as peering and transit. These two terms are sometimes used interchangeably, but they are not the same.
A vital characteristic of a peering relationship between two networks is that peering is settlement-free transport. However, the costs are not zero, because there are costs associated with co-location, the power to the routers and switches, and cross-connects that are consumed to implement the peering connectivity.
Transit, on the other hand, is a form of interconnection in which an ISP or customer purchases an Internet bandwidth connectivity service offering access to every publicly reachable destination on the Internet, commonly referred to as "full" transit." An Internet Transit Provider is an ISP that provides transit to customers as a paid transport service.
Transit allows traffic from an ISP or customer network to cross or "transit" the Transit Provider network to connect to the rest of the Internet. Internet Transit is also referred to as Internet or IP Transit. To add complexity to this jargon's usage, Transit Providers are sometimes called "upstream providers."
Agile Solutions Provider – is an IP Transit Provider in South Africa, as part of our Internet transit services, we provide reachability to the rest of the Internet, including access to content over IXPs, low-latency access to gaming servers, and global streaming services.
Agile Solutions Provider a Tier 1 IP Transit Aggregator, we are here to enable you. The Agile way of Providing IP Transit.
Being an aggregator, means we save you money and time. You benefit from discounted pricing across all services and providers - rather than needing to negotiate with each individual provider - while benefiting from ports and direct connections with the Tier 1 providers' networks.
IP Transit is typically a metered service. A customer pays for the IP transit service, and the Transit Provider takes care of all its traffic needs. The unit price for IP Transit services varies widely, but the service itself is typically priced on a per-megabit-per-second (Mbps) basis, metered using the 95th percentile traffic sampling technique.
We provide IP Transit that includes Service Level Agreements (SLAs). With these SLAs, the user experience is consistent. To offer a SLA, the ISP must be able to determine the level of service that they can consistently deliver to their customers.
IP Transit contracts have a specific term. The customer can decide to terminate the relationship when the contract term expires. Transit providers often offer large volume discounts based on negotiated commitment levels.